My name is Lisa Carter. I have been a licensed massage therapist for 24 years in Oregon. I am a mother of five and have been studying the healing arts for most of my life. After a near-death experience in 2019, I had a profound ongoing awakening in realizing and facing the fact that I wasn't living my most authentic life. I started on a path searching for my deeper soulful nature. Through ongoing self-inquiry, sorrowful and joyful grieving - I found a powerful resource in seeking stillness and what I call sacred rest. It's been a practice of coming home to myself again and again. And it's from this spirit and a desire to share our journeys, experiences, and healing that I lovingly offer this sacred time and space together through New Dawn Retreats. New Dawn's journey is a path of love. Love is the binding force that connects us all, to sacred Mother Earth, and to the Divine.

Lisa Carter